n all levels, Getter is a producer who you can’t help but respect.
He’s talented, he puts on a good show, loves his fans, makes you laugh, and most of all, he has the guts to do what he wants regardless of what people think.
Building his career around dubstep, it no doubt shocked his fanbase in 2018 when he announced that he was finally done with the genre and was planning to move in a new direction.
What really hit this home was the release of his album ‘Visceral’ in September 2018.
Instead of wavy dubstep the album consisted of 12 beautifully crafted tracks, showcasing long buildups with an emphasis on much softer beats.
Despite the quality of the album, it seems the release of 'Visceral' caused a massive division among his fanbase.

With the album releasing six months ago, you might be wondering why this is only just being brought up now.
Despite the contention between his fans, the album proved very popular online, collecting over 15 million plays on Spotify to date, and it’s online reception inspired Getter to tour ‘Visceral’ around the US with dates spanning from the end of February until mid-April.
Unfortunately, it seems this tour hasn’t been too well received by the public, and on March 7th Getter took to Twitter to talk about the criticism he'd been receiving.

Basically, people were complaining that he wasn’t playing enough dubstep.
Not to sound like a dick, but seriously, how dumb can you be?
I don’t know how much clearer he could have made it. The tour is called ‘Visceral’, he’s going to play his ‘Visceral’ tracks. How you gonna get mad when he isn’t dropping dubstep on a tour based on his trap album?
But wait, there’s more.
Whilst performing in Houston on March 15th, Getter was literally boo’d by the crowd mid-set.
Despite literally paying for a 'Visceral' show, the Houston crowd didn't seem pleased with the lack of bass being supplied, and I genuinely can't imagine how destructive this would have been for him.
He put his heart and soul into this album, finally finding something that makes him genuinely happy, and when he shares it with the world this is what he gets in return.
Getter took to social media on March 17th to respond to the criticism.

It might not seem like much, but this situation runs a lot deeper than most people realise, and highlights a massive issue within live music culture.
It doesn’t matter how big of a fan you are, or how long you’ve been around, nothing gives you creative control over an artist.
Doing something new when you’ve got an audience as big as Getter is an incredibly risky move, but it's his career, his life, his happiness - let the man do what he wants.
Not your taste? No problem, but don’t pay for a show just to boo someone when they aren’t playing what you want to hear.
'Visceral' is a fantastic album, and I hope that I'll be able to see his live show in Australia. Give the album a listen if you haven't already, you won't regret it.
As always, I hope you enjoyed the read. Party safe, stay hydrated, and I’ll see you next time.