A dubstep OG meets one of the most innovative riddim producers on the market - Rusko & Subtronics might seem a world apart, but that hasn’t stopped them coming together to deliver one of the best collabs of this year.
Pioneering the rise of dubstep with his blend of groovy bass & stretchy synths Rusko is back in a big way, and what better way to prove you can still fuck with the new kids than by collaborating with one of riddim's hottest breakout artists.
‘Bounce’ throws gritty, old-school synths together with Subtronics’ squelchy bass to create an elegant, simple track that takes you right back to the genres glory days.

A dream finally come true, ‘Bounce’ finds that perfect middle ground between Rusko’s simplistic style & Subs zany riddim; slowing everything down without ever feeling boring. By combining two styles in perfect unison it stands unique among the overly aggressive bass that fans are subjected to today.
If you haven’t already be sure to give bounce a listen below. I hope you enjoyed the read. Remember to party safe, stay hydrated, and I’ll see you next time.