hen I wrote my farewell to BASSMENT in November last year, I believed like everyone else it was the end of an era. After years of parties and with their place firmly locked in everyone's hearts, the team finally shut their doors for good
Well, that was the case. Until now.
I still can’t believe what I’m seeing, but it's really happening - BASSMENT is back. With only the slightest tease since they went AWOL last year, the team emerged from the shadows to catch everyone by surprise with a massive event drop yesterday on August 19th.
Passing up on Gilks for a turn at the newly renovated Villa, their latest project N o s t a l g i a aims to bundle up everything you used to love about Perth’s dubstep parties and send it right back at you for one more hurrah.
Get ready to party like it’s 2016 again with the likes of Perth favourite p0gman, French comeback king Sadhu, US selecta AFK & our homegrown hero Avance as the four dons gear up for an absolute shelling on September 13th.

Lost brain cells, faded memories, ringing ears & broken ankles - the shenanigans of BASSMENT secured it a special place in the hearts of many, and the lure of another party is bound to bring plenty of punters out of retirement for another dip into the moshpits.
Could this mean they’re back for good? Could it be that Perth’s reignited bass scene is finally dragging them back into the spotlight? Or could it be nothing more than just a ‘we miss you’ - a quick catchup before returning to hibernation? Only time will tell.
My advice? Enjoy it while you can. Embrace it, drink it in, because who knows when, or even if we’ll be seeing BASSMENT again. Remember to stay hydrated - we’ll see you all on September 13th.