o after months of teasing, the team at Origin have finally released the lineup for 2018's NYE festival, and it seems to have gotten quite a mixed response from the punters. Festivals don't happen too often out here in Perth, which isn't surprising since it's a massive journey for most international acts to make, so when a lineup drops, it's bound to get everyone talking.
Before I get into the legitimate lineup, I just wanna make a quick mention of a 'leaked' lineup that dropped about three weeks ago now. Leaked lineups are always a bit of a laugh, and you typically get them for every festival. But something was very different about this one. It was done via a snapchat of someones laptop, almost every name on it was plausible, and most of all, Jacob Sartorius wasn't headlining. Here's what everyone saw.

I saw Cookie Monsta and Funtcase and got way too excited, but then I mellowed out once I saw the rest of the names. True, when you break it down, there's a lot of very talented artists on there. But, the reality is, this was looking very heavily recycled. Most of these acts had been to Australia in the last 12 months, some of them multiple times, and on top of this, four rap headliners? Hardly any DnB? It just didn't seem like Origin, so I ignored it, and waited for the real one. Here's what we've been given.

Well would you look at that. Almost identical. Someone is probably going to get fired for that one.
Obviously, there are artists on the leak that aren't on the real one, like Logic and MIA, but Origin has made it clear that there's more to come, so I won't be surprised if these names get dropped gradually over the next few months. But you know what I see when I look at this lineup? I see a lot of talented artists, a lot of good music, but I see an incredibly recycled list of names that just doesn't fit into Origin's typical brand. Where's the dubstep? Where's the DnB? Why the fuck is Cardi B headlining? So many questions.
I just don't know how to feel. I was really hoping for something fresh, not so many artists I'd seen before. One of the biggest things for me is the dubstep, I'm an enormous fan, and it just doesn't seem to be represented like it should. I'm very pleased to see Space Laces on there, but it just doesn't pump me up like it should because there's not even an EDM headliner?
Of course, bare in mind that this is all just my own opinion. Some people love the lineup, some people can't believe a god (in their eyes) like Cardi B is coming, and some people think it's absolutely trash. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I'm just throwing in my own two cents because, yknow, that's what I do on here.
Will I go? Yes, for several reasons. It's a festival, my life isn't exciting enough to have anything better to do on New Years, and I am very excited to see Habstrakt and Virtual Riot again. Will I have a good time? Provided I don't end up anywhere near Cardi B, yeah most likely. Is it worth being a two day festival? In my opinion, no. I think making it two days is unnecessary, and almost certainly just so Origin can charge more for tickets. This could comfortably fit onto one day, two is just a hassle.
At the end of the day, everyone likes different stuff. I'm sure Origin won't have any issues selling tickets, but I, along with many other punters, feel a bit let down by the lineup. Guess you'll hear from me on December first, after I've made my decision if it was worth it or not. But don't worry, plenty more to come in the mean time.